Club News

First competition night of 2020-21 season

The 1st competition of the 2020-21 season took place on 8 October 2020 and was held via ‘Zoom’. Our judge was Mike Warren from Steyning camera club. Mike is a very experienced photographer and judge, well known for his coaching of photographers new to club photography. Throughout the evening, whilst reviewing our images, he gave welcome and well considered suggestions for improvement. He started by summarising the qualities judges look for when assessing images and the weighting given to each; 50% of the mark is based on imagination, impact and expression.

Submitted by Nigel Cherry on
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BEST of the best - Best of year competition 2019-20


The Best of Year competition was the final competition of the 2019-20 season. Delayed by the Covid19 pandemic the competition finally took place on 10 September by Zoom. Our judge was Paul O’Toole who is well known to the club. Based in West Sussex and a member of the Worthing camera club, Paul is a keen amateur photographer and a distinguished and entertaining judge. He has a special love of wildlife photography. His comments and tips were well received. Paul had been sent the prints (and PDIs) beforehand so that the actual prints were being judged, not PDI versions.

Submitted by Nigel Cherry on
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Set subjects "Complementary Colours" and "Monochrome"

The fifth competition of the 2019-20 had been postponed from April due to the pandemic but was eventually held by zoom, on the evening of 27 August, the judge having been sent prints and PDIs for his deliberations.  

The judge was Rob de Ruiter, well known to club members, a distinguished and very experienced photographer, senior judge and President of the Bognor Regis Camera Club. He was welcomed by our chairman Martin Tomes.

News Headlines:

Submitted by Nigel Cherry on
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Peter Picthall and Audrey Gray

I (Derek) awoke this morning thinking about two dear members of SCC who passed away recently. They were not just members of our club but dear friends as well. This is one of the advantages of being a small club where everybody knows everybody else. They will be sorely missed and we send our sincere condolences to all their relatives.

Submitted by Martin Tomes on

Congratulations to Steyning

Ian Brash did a great job judging the Southdown 2020 competition. He reviewed all of the images and then marked them at the end.

Steyning came out on top this time and Storrington came fourth out of the five clubs which took part.

Submitted by Martin Tomes on
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Colour Management with the i1Switch

First meeting of the new year started with Janet's Parish notes and then on with Martin’s talk about colour management.

This is something that I used to do before I got my iMac but since then I have not found it necessary for the standard of printing that I do these days, but my standards would not suit the likes of Liz and Janet and other very good photographers.

Submitted by Derek Grieve on
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The last meeting of 2019


Our Chairman Janet did us all proud this evening. After a very few Parish notices, Norman announced the results of last months Flickr competition. Our top photographer, Liz (she has several very close contenders for the title, so she must ‘keep up’), took the top spot again, well done Liz.

Tables of four were set out and we sat ourselves down with whoever would have us, and there we found two sheets of paper for us to record answers to Janet’s quiz questions.

That all done and dusted, Janet started the first of her dastardly competitions.

Submitted by Derek Grieve on
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