Hints and Tips
Composition using light and shade with Andy Jones.
Meet at the Sea Lane Café.
Composition using light and shade with Andy Jones.
Meet at the Sea Lane Café.
Meet at Thakeham Village Hall for a follow up to Andy's composition session last month. This will be followed by some desktop and flash photography majoring on using light.
We will be meeting at the entrance to Worthing Pier at 2pm. It will be an urban photoshoot/workshop. It's called urban and not street as street sometimes suggests taking photos up close to people and this is not the objective, although you can try this if it takes your fancy.
Review images taken on our trip to Worthing last month. Please upload yours here.
Review depth of field experiments at Rackham Wood.
Please note, this meeting will be in the MAIN HALL at Thakeham Village Hall.
View images from our multiple exposure photoshoot.
Please upload your images here.
We will be reviewing our Mono Architecture images, so add them to the website by midnight on Wednesday:
For this session please do bring along a couple of prints. We would also like, as you present your image to: