Our theme for the next Photoshoot and Hints and Tips review will be Double/ Multiple Exposures. Maybe have a play with double exposures to start with, and go for more layers if you dare!
The Digital Photography School have some articles on multiple exposures.
Here is the ARPS panel that I mentioned on Wednesday by one of my fellow 365 photographers in 2018
Multiple exposures can be done in camera with many brands and cameras, but not all. Have a look in your manual to see if yours will do this (or just Google it!)
Otherwise, take your images and layer them up in Photoshop, Affinity Photo, Snapseed or possibly Gimp.
Another alternative, which Martin has tried out on our behalf, is to use your phone using an app such as BlendCamera (available for iPhone and Android) for double exposure.
The Photoshoot will be on Tuesday 28th February 10am at Shoreham-by-Sea, meet at the Adur Recreation Ground car park. We'll probably wander along by the houseboats, across the new Ferry Bridge and stop for refreshments in the town. Those who wish to do their own thing are quite free to wander at will!