Club News
Newsletter February 2007
General Notes from the Secretary
Another successful evening, this time with Don Mitchell and our abstract entries. Again a good entry of fifty odd prints to judge. Interesting that he did it by spot judging, i.e., the first time he saw the prints was the evening he did the judging. No mean achievement I think. There certainly were some interesting and innovative images and slides to look at and I think his judgements were fair and in keeping with the spirit of what we try to achieve in “set subject” competitions.
Newsletter January 2007
General Notes from the Secretary
Our last competition gave us the largest number of entries we have had for some years for our judge John Holmes to look at. To my surprise he managed to get through the judging with a margin of time to spare, gave some good technique pointers even though his comments on the winning images were a little sparse. The winning images did not need too much comment anyway as they all were of such high quality. Each competition we seem to have more and more excellent pictures.
Newsletter November 2006
General Notes from the Secretary
As you will read in Derek’s report we are the best camera club in the West Sussex area, having beaten all the big guns such as Chichester, Littlehampton, Steyning and six other photographic societies by a very good margin in the annual Regnum Print Competition. The prints used were authored by Derek Grieve, Ian MacWhirter, Paul Hayward and Martin Tomes. The prints were chosen by members of your committee as representing some of the best images seen during many of the previous competitions that had achieved a score of 18 or better.
Newsletter October 2006
General Notes from the Secretary
First of all please let me apologise for being absent for the third meeting as well as the second. I had an unexpected duty call from Switzerland (where I am writing this) in the form of baby sitting, where my grandchildren live, and I could not refuse as it concerned my daughter in law’s 40th birthday, swimming with dolphins in Egypt.
I understand that Paul did a fine job as Chairman on both occasions I was away, so thank you Paul, and a job well done.
Newsletter May 2006
General Notes from the Secretary
Another eventful year culminating in an excellent end of year roll up with the “best print of the year”. Considering that we are a club with a small membership I think we have done extremely well and the quality of all our work is of the highest standard. Congratulations to Ian, Martin and Sue on their achievements in the final competition, and especially to Sue who has come from a raw “enprint” shooter a couple of years ago to now being a force to recon with. Watch out Ian, Martin and Derek!!
Newsletter April 2006
General Notes from the Secretary
I think that Mike Davison must be congratulated on his achievement of becoming an L.R.P.S. He certainly has put in some good pictures during the last few months and it is a well deserved award. Well done Mike.
I look forward to the lecture by Peter Astley this coming Thursday and I expect that we can all learn something from the wealth of experience Peter has. He is a fine photographer and belonged to Chichester Camera Club at one time so he has a good reputation.
Newsletter March 2006
General Notes from the Secretary
Unfortunately I was away in Morocco for the Fur and Feathers fun but it seems that all went well with some stunning photos.
By the time you read this it will nearly be too late if you haven’t got your entries in for the next competition so I hope that you have remembered to bring them on the night.
Newsletter February 2006
General Notes from the Secretary
It is with regret that I have received Rolf Rowling’s resignation as the Chairman of our club. For several years he took on the duties of Chairman until the unfortunate problem with his leg. He was very ably replaced during his convalescence by Diana Newnes who did a sterling job until Rolf returned. However since then Rolf says in his letter that it was a struggle for him to carry on and recently other medical issues started to give more trouble. So we bid farewell to him as Chairman but not as a club member I hope.
Newsletter November 2005
General Notes from the Secretary
Not a lot of comments from me this month. It was good to see Eric Keevey back in the saddle again with his presence at the last meeting, and Dennis Mace. We have missed their regular presence since the start of the year. We did superbly well at the Regnum Print Competition with about a fifth of the membership enjoyed by Chichester who were joint winners with us. With only 22 members signed up this year we must keep trying to improve our skills until the next time, and then perhaps we can become the outright winners.