The first members' meeting of the year delivered four very different presentations that showed that photography is not just a technical craft but an exercise in thought, judgement and questioning. Photographers think about what they and why they do it.
Andy was first up. He is known for his black and white images of landscapes and streets but his abiding interest is in light and the photography of light. In addition to an inspirational image of a coastal scene that set him on his path to discover the limits of light he gave us an insight into the science of light. Photons are an elementary particles with zero mass that move with the speed of light and have no time. After 100,000 years they escape the sun and in seconds travel through the solar system to reflect of solid objects and reach our eyes and camera sensors. His influences are Olga Kolovac, Saul Leitner and T A Vieres.
Brenda was on a trip to Glasgow and was fascinated by a visit to The Willow Tea Rooms influenced and designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Stained glass, chairs and 1900 decor all contributed to a feast of phone images shared with us that might otherwise have been consigned to a hard drive. A visit to Hidcote Manor continued the arts and Crafts theme.
Alex was next with his passion for woodlands, early and misty mornings and hazy photographs of trees and foliage looking for the leading lines and occasional intruder, sometimes Alex himself at the limits of a time delay before the shutter captures him unprepared. He looks for patterns, different viewpoints, bluebells, heathers and enchanting images avoiding the sky as much as possible. Weather just increases the variety.
George completed the quartet with a question, "What is street photography?" This is a genre he is currently active in but seems to be looking for a definition. He showed us images taken on the street, from the street, on a street that was under a river and many more places in exotic locations. Many images were of people doing things or just looking odd. Perhaps street photography is only just life in pictures.