Club News

The Last One, Before The Big Bang!

This was the last Competition before our best of the year.

There werea total of 51 images submitted for the evening’s competition.

The judge for the evening was Ken Woods. We started off with our usual run through of all the images, and then the judging began.

Submitted by Alex Swyer on
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Getting to know your camera

Our table top photography evening was our second practical evening of the season. There were several table tops set up with different lighting. Liz brought along some stressed plastic and polarising filters to bring out the coloured patterns in the plastic.

On one table we used continuous lights, which consisted of two angle poise lamps with daylight energy saving bulbs (with a diffuser in front of the lamp) and a slide light box (which makes a very good large light source).   

Submitted by Martin Tomes on
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Shackletons amazing Antarctic expedition

On Saturday April 13th, SCC hosted a presentation given by Mark Cottle MA who travelled up from Devon to give us an illustrated talk on 'Shackleton's Endurance Expedition captured on Camera', held at the Ashington Community Centre.,

Sadly our Chairlady Anne Nagle was struck down with a nasty complaint which made it impossible for her to be present, and so our Vice Chairman Paul Hayward stepped in to introduce and MC the evening making a fine job of it.

Mark grabbed everyone's attention from the start being a very polished speaker who knew his subject matter backwards.

Submitted by Derek Grieve on
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Rosie Armes photographic Diva!

This evening we had the very welcome return of Rosie Armes who has previously given us both an evening show and has judged a competition. Rosie has more distinctions than you can shake a stick at, but to me the most relevant are her FRPS and her MPAGB, of which there are only 115 in existence!! She is a member of the advanced photographers of Chichester CC, which is where we first met her.

Submitted by Derek Grieve on
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Same again.

A small, but dedicated, band of seven members of SCC attended the Sussex Fed. Print competition at Wivelsfield village hall to find the place heaving with folk. I believe seats were eventually found for everyone; but the Sussex Fed. gentleman standing in for Chairman Ken Scott said immediately that they would have to find a bigger suitable venue next time as we have clearly outgrown this one.

The event was hosted very well by Horsham Photographic Society and our prints were judged by our very long standing friend Walter Benzie ARPS.

Submitted by Derek Grieve on
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Inspiration from the Garden Shed

First I should explain the title. Iain McGowan FRPS produces his photographic output in what mustbe a fairly large garden shed, so everything which he showed us literally came from the garden shed.

This is the second inspiration presentation we seen this year, the first being Ken Scott before Christmas.

Submitted by Martin Tomes on
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Knocked Out

We hadn't done anything like this for a long time, we had a knockout competition judged by the members. The rules were so simple as to be almost non-existent, each member could enter up to three prints of any age, but they had to be mounted on a 500x400mm mount. Two prints were shown at a time and the members voted on which one they thought was best.

Submitted by Martin Tomes on
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The Last meeting of 2012

Chairman Anne arrived armed with at least three large bags of goodies and Audrey was already there setting out her wonderful mince pies.

Soon, Liz arrived to prepare and start heating the punch and we then set out the room with several tables with four chairs each. These had a coloured sticker on it and as the members arrived, Jean,recruited for the purpose, dished out at random coloured stickers for each member to display on their chests.

Thus, several teams of four all sat at separate tables for the quiz questions, composed by Anne and assisted by the charismatic Alex.

Submitted by Derek Grieve on
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