Members' Evening - Panels and Photobooks

Member Presentation
Thursday, 14 November 2024 19:30

This is an informal evening for members to share their work. It is not a competition and your images can have been taken at any time.

FIRST HALF - Prints/Photobooks

You can show

  • a large piece of card typically A1 or A0 onto which you can display any number of images OR
  • up to 8 prints mounted or umounted each no more than 500x400cm and ideally a minimum of A4. The images can have a common theme (cathedrals, macro, dry stone walls, my garden ...... ie what ever) or can be a series of images that blend together. For logistical reasons they will be displayed as a single row of images using the clubs print stands OR
  • up to 3 photobooks

Please add your name to the list here: sign up sheet for print panels.docx or email me.  You can just bring the prints or photobooks on the night (they should not be added to Image Prepare).

These won't be formal presentations but we hope each photographer will spend a few minutes describing their images and why/how they took them.

Second Half – PI Panels

You can show up to 9 images – the last one should be a composite image showing all your images. Again they can have a common theme or be a group of images which work together. You will have couple of minutes to introduce your panel – then the images will be shown one after the other and then there will be an opportunity to add comments at the end whilst the composite slide is displayed. Images should be the standard size for the club projector ie 1400x1050 pixels.

Add your images here by 10th November: If possible start your title for each image with a number to show which order you want to display them in: