A former President of the RPS, Rosemary Wilman HonFRPS ABPE AFIAP APAGB gave us an insight into her experience of taking photos "As she sees it". Prints on a variety of papers, a photobook and a concertina album accompanied her projected images. She has travelled widely and showed images from the Lake District, Wisley, Yellowstone, Norway, India, Santorini, Yorkshire and Iceland. The photos were mainly landscapes but she captured interesting people, as so many do, in India at the Golden Temple in Amritsar and on a tea plantation in Kerala. Mist often contributed to attractive images that would not have been possible in benign conditions as key features would blend into the background. Whilst Santorini is often portrayed as universally blue and white Rosemary succeeded in emphasising the whiteness of the architecture in interesting and sometimes minimalist high key images with flashes of blue occasionally making a dramatic feature. The whiteness theme continued as many photos were taken in winter. Her favourite was a bobcat's head peeking out from the snow in what appeared like a duvet. This was followed by a unique image of the bobcat leaping forward into a pond to predate a hapless duck. Intimate landscape photos of lichen and ice illustrated interesting patterns and infrared images demonstrated how effective photographs could be made which would not have been acceptable as colour images. By way of contrast a single close up image of a curled petal from an orange lily on a black background with an orange key line showed how versatile Rosemary's seeing of images was. The Aurora Borealis images were also very effective in their necessary colour format.